"Dr." Lisa Monnet

"The first and worst of all frauds is to cheat one’s self. All sin is easy after that” - Pearl Bailey


On December 12, 2017, a lawsuit was filed against Dr. Lisa Monnet (also goes by Lisa Whatley), alleging “multiple fraudulent representations involving her past, and malicious and vindictive multi-week hoax and campaign she created to deceive, defraud and mislead the owners, employees, investors and advisory board, with the intent of causing irreparable damage.”

A private investigator was hired to perform a background check and immediately questions arose regarding the validity of statements she had made.  From there, discovery has continued to expose what we believe to be a significant pattern of fraud against the Tampa Bay Community and the tax payers of Florida. 

The lawsuit continues against Monnet because it is believed that a) she should be held accountable for her actions;  b) the community should be protected from such individuals; and c) had legal action not been taken and the alleged misrepresentations and fraud exposed, she would continue to misrepresent and defraud others. 

Concerns are compounded by the belief that Monnet has been able to obtain trusted positions within the defense community and that her actions, while unacceptable in the private sector, could be dramatically and detrimentally magnified within defense institutions. 

This site exists:

  • (a) because there is interest in trying to locate the details of the lawsuit, and people were unsure how to access the public records (the “Follow Case” menu item walks through the steps to access all the legal documents).
  • (b) to provide quick access to important legal documents that are believed to demonstrate clear misrepresentation and fraud.
  • (c) Until a judgement in the lawsuit has been made, allowing the result to show up on any background checks performed.

Since the lawsuit has been filed, others have reached out to share their own stories. It is unfortunate that their stories were not known beforehand, but hopefully, awareness will protect others.

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